Jeovano de Jesus Alves de Lima 


Jeovano de Jesus Alves de Lima graduated in Control and Automation Engineering (Mechatronics) at UNIMEP where actually is a master degree in Production Engineering, working with VB.NET application development for UGNX. In 2003, he started his academic activities as a monitor of the Algorithm and Programming I and II discipline. In August, 2004, he started working at the Laboratory for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing (SCPM) developing researches of Scientific Initiation about Semantic, Geometric and Technological Modelling of Prismatic Parts. In this research, he has been using the programming interface of Systems CAD/CAM Euclid3 and programming language FORTRAN.

Jeovano de Jesus Alves de Lima
Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia Luis Ometto (SP 306), Km 01
13451-900       Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP  Brazil
Tel: +55 19 31241792        Fax: +55 19 34551361 
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