Erik Gustavo Del Conte 


Erik Gustavo Del Conte started his activities at Lab SCPM on July, 2005, with the proposal to develop researches about High Speed Cutting (HSC). The topic of Erik’s Master Project is System for Acquisition and Analysis Data in HSM Process. During his graduation course (Automation and Control Engineering), he worked at Romi Industries in Process Planning Department and he also worked at Actaris in Engineering Department. In that period he used the CAD softwares, SolidWorks and Pro-Engineer, developing design of tools and devices for using in the production.

Research line: Acquisition and Analysis Data in High Speed Machining Process
Erik Gustavo Del conte
Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia Luis Ometto (SP 306), Km 01
13451-900       Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP  Brazil
Tel: +55 19 31241792        Fax: +55 19 34551361 
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