

Prof. Dr. Antonio Álvaro de Assis Moura


Antonio Álvaro de Assis Moura is an electrical enginner from "Escola de Engenharia Mauá", made his MBA in USP on Sanitary Engineer. In 2003 obtained a Master of Science title in Production Engineering from Methodist University of Piracicaba.

Currently, is making his Ph. D. in the Methodist University of Piracicaba where he is also a TI coordinator and universitary teacher.

In the Laboratory of Computer Systems for Project and Manufacturing he works on software customizing for NX CAD over C++ framework.
Prof. Dr. Antonio Álvaro de Assis Moura 
Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia Luis Ometto (SP 306), Km 01
13451-900       Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP  Brazil
Tel: +55 19 31241792        Fax: +55 19 34551361  