Renato Luis Garrido Monaro


Renato Luis Garrido Monaro attended Control and Automation Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism at UNIMEP. He started his activities as Undergraduate Baskets of the Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing in August 2005.

He participated of the following projects: " Capacitation in Solid Body´s Modeling and Manufacturing Applying CAD/CAM Systems", "Research on the Influence of methods Interpolation on the Accuracy in Final Machining of Molds and Dies with High Speed" and "Application of Spline Interpolation as trajectory of the tool in the manufacture of Molds and Dies with High Speed."

Acting in the area of modeling and manufacture of complex surfaces with high speeds, he works with Unigraphics CAD / CAM system.
Renato Luis Garrido Monaro
Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia Luis Ometto (SP 306), Km 01
13451-900       Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP  Brazil
Tel: +55 19 31241792        Fax: +55 19 34551361 
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