

Carlos Alberto de Souza Barroso


Currently, Carlos Alberto de Souza Barroso is in the 4th semester of Control and Automation Engineering at FEAU (College of Engineering, Architecture and Urban Studies) at UNIMEP (Methodist University of Piracicaba). He began his extra academic activities on September 2005 at SCPM (Laboratory for computer Application in Design and Manufacturing). He has been working in a scientific research called "Application of the Knowledge Based Engineering (KBE) of the Cinematic analysis of industrial Robots".

Carlos Alberto de Souza Barroso
Lab. for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing
Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia Luis Ometto (SP 306), Km 01
13451-900       Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, SP  Brazil
Tel: +55 19 31241792        Fax: +55 19 34551361 
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