Laboratory for Computer Application
in Design and Manufacturing


Historical Annotations
The Laboratory for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing (SCPM), within the College of Engineering, Architecture and Urban Studies, was founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schützer in August of 1995. Prof. Schützer started a research group at UNIMEP that could continue the work that he had developed in various European projects during his doctoral studies at the Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen (PTW) at the Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany.

The aim of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Schützer was to set up a research laboratory that could expand through projects financed with outside resources. At that time, due to the connections with PTW and with DiK (Fachgebiet Datenverarbeitung in der Konstruktion), there were funds available from two projects: The European Union (KIT Program – Keep in Touch) and another from the Deutsch Ausgleichsbank. With these funds the first technical resources were acquired (Workstation, PC, printer and CAD and CAM software). This marked the first phase of the laboratory, which was temporarily named “Laboratory of Computer Systems for Design and Manufacturing.”

In a document dated September 29, 1995 and sent to the Director of the Center for Technology, physical space was solicited with the specifications needed to house the equipment. At that time a room was attained that was located next to the Computer technician’s area in the old Library building. However, this space did not attend to all of the necessary specification to house the laboratory.

Nevertheless, on January 15, 1996 the “Laboratory for Computer Application in Design and Manufacturing” (SCPM) associated with what was then the Center for Technology was made official by a document from the University President and Director of the Center for Technology Center.

The main goals for setting up the SCPM were to carry out research work and teaching for undergraduate and graduate students. Also, it was a place to be used by graduate students and undergraduate students with scholarships who were developing research.

With the evolution of the research projects and the consequent increase in the number of researchers at SCPM, the space was no longer sufficient to house the equipment and the technicians. The Laboratory was moved to another room located in Block 1, where SCPM was able to count on two rooms for its equipment and team. In 2001, with the construction of Block 14, SCPM was moved to its current space, in addition to maintaining Block 1, which was reorganized.

At the beginning of 2000 and as a result of the growth that had occurred, the initial research group started the Center for Integrated Design and Manufacturing (NPMI) which was included in the National Listing of CNPq Research Groups (Brazilian National Council for Development and Research) and actively participates in research projects in partnership with the major state universities: EESC-USP, Unicamp and ITA.

Academic Production
From the time it began to function, 21 people have worked at SCPM as researchers at different levels. Currently this group is made up of 22 people among undergraduate and graduate students. An analysis of the academic production in the last ten years demonstrates that the vitality of the project contributed decisively to scientific advancement through rigorous research, informed teaching and community extension directed towards regional needs. Thirteen students carried out their undergraduate work under the orientation of Prof. Klaus Schützer; twenty scientific initiation projects were concluded; six Master’s theses were completed; and another six Master’s and two Doctoral theses are being written.

Between 1991 and 2004, 74 articles were published in scientific journals by researchers connected to SCPM. Two books demonstrate the scientific production of this Laboratory and another two will be published this year.

Students who were connected to SCPM have done internships in renowned companies. Two have already worked at the ProSTEP AG in Darmstadt, Germany, another in Lumatech and recently, two others were contracted as engineers for GM after having developed their undergraduate or scientific initiation projects.

Holding events that disseminate scientific knowledge has been a mark of SCPM. Two cycles of lectures were offered to those in the College community by the Center for Integrated Design and Manufacturing while annually the International Seminar on High Technology is held for all who are interested. This year the 14th Seminar will be held.

Recently the first spin-off company of SCPM was started, whose initial goal is to commercialize MDESIGN software in Brazil in partnership with the German company TEDATA.

Innovation is key
SCPM/UNIMEP has become the only entity in Latin America that is affiliated with ProSTEP iViP e.V. of Germany – an association that since 1993 has promoted the development of processors for the STEP Norms. SCPM in partnership with ProSTEP AG, is offering in Brazil the same specialized services of conversion and exchange of geometric data between CAD/CAM systems offered by OpenDesc. Thus, this provides the same technology that is available in Germany for Brazilian users, including the “pipelines” for automatic data conversion between large CAD systems used in the automotive and aeronautic industry.

Beginning in 2003, SCPM took up the maintenance and revision of the AP213 Application Protocol of ISO 10303 STEP, thereby positioning Brazil within the restricted circle of countries that are developing and implanting STEP Norms.

Currently, projects are being developed with financing from Brazilian and German agencies and by industries with branches in Brazil in addition to a partnership agreement with the Institut für Produktionsmanagement, Technologie und Werkzeugmaschinen (PTW) and with the Institut für Datenverarbeitung in der Konstruktion (DiK) of the Technische Universität Darmstadt in Germany. Since 2005, there is a project with Fraunhofer Institut Produktionsanlagen and Konstruktionstechnik of Berlin.

SCPM has modern hardware and software resources at its disposal for the development of research projects directed toward integrated product development, integration of CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC systems, modeling based on the concept of “form features”, recognition and representation of interdependencies between “form features,” improvement of the interface between user and computer, computerized data exchange, application of STEP norms, etc. In addition SCPM provides support to small and medium businesses for specification, selection and implementation of CAD/CAPP/CAM systems. The studies in this area of research are being developed in partnership with DiK through an intense exchange of students and researchers.

In 1995 SCPM brought to Brazil the concept of Manufacturing Technology at High Speeds and today it has a group working on this topic in partnership with PTW in order to provide support in this area of knowledge to industries installed in Brazil. SCPM is also one of the integrated laboratories of the FAPESP (Foundation for Research Assistance in the State of São Paulo), Thematic Project, “Manufacturing Technology with High Speed Cutting” and of the Factory of the Millennium Institute. In 2003, SCPM collaborated decisively with Sandvik to publish a book in Portuguese on HSC Technology – Manufacturing at High Speeds, which is now in its 2nd Edition. In 2005 the English version was published.

SCPM offers the academic and business communities technological support, advanced research, contacts with recent global innovations in this area, and therefore, contributes to a solid, up-to-date and creative education for its students.
