
     The Universitarian HUMOR Exhibition of PIRACICABA was created in 1992 by the rector Almir de Souza Maia, supported by faculty and employees as Adolpho Queiroz, the first president of the event and creator of the International HUMOR Exhibition of PIRACICABA.
     Created as an important space to students show their artistic side, the event has become bigger every year, becoming one of the most respectful event of HUMOR in Brazil. The Universitarian HUMOR Exhibition of PIRACICABA has become so big that nowadays, students of all over the world can participate.


Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba - Unimep

A/C Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açucar Km 156 Campus Taquaral; Caixa Postal 68
CEP 13400-911 Piracicaba-SP. Tel. (19) 3124-1611