
You're welcome!

The University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba is a project specially dedicated to graphic humor segment , in partnership with the Advisory Council for International Affairs UNIMEP.

Here, you will learn more about the art that delights millions worldwide , and stroll through the history of the University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba , a city internationally recognized in this area.

To all, a rich and fun ride !

Camilo Riani
Coord . the University Program of humor Unimep

Awarded works in 2017

Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba - Unimep

A/C Laboratório de Comunicação
Rodovia do Açucar Km 156 Campus Taquaral; Caixa Postal 68
CEP 13400-911 Piracicaba-SP. Tel. (19) 3124-1611